FAQs for NOOZcasters

Do I have to sign up the Featured Member myself?


No, you can just do the video for the business and NOOZ can enroll the business as a Featured Member. If the NOOZcaster signs up the business, NOOZ pays you $150, so why not show the business owner how they can get started? NOOZ provides all the info you need to do the enrollment…very simple.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Do I need to know how to edit my videos?


Ideally, yes. It’s easier if you have been posting videos to your social media and doing your own editing. However, NOOZ can edit your videos for the first 60 days or so if you don’t know how to edit. Unfortunately, our costs go up a lot if we have to edit. NOOZ Academy has training videos on how to edit on your iPhone and many other tips. The easiest way is to try to do a video in one take, and keep it short, around 45 seconds…or for video reviews from customers of a Featured Member, around 15 seconds…then you can trim the beginning or end if you need to…keep it simple.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

When is the best time to get started?


Today…see above FAQ.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Are there a limited number of NOOZcasters for a city or area?


Yes. NOOZ is limiting the number of NOOZcasters in each city. NOOZ will manage the number of NOOZcasters on a first-come basis so that the subjects to be covered and the enrolling of Featured Members is not too crowded. Obviously, the sooner a NOOZcaster gets started and begins building a book of Featured Members, becomes recognized in the community, and begins Referring Friends to become NOOZcasters, the better the opportunity will be.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Is NOOZ international?


NOOZ is only operating in the United States today, but plans to expand internationally soon. If you are living outside the USA, send us your contact info and we’ll reach out as soon as NOOZ is available in your country.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Do I get paid and how?


Yes, you get paid 3 ways. $75 for producing video content for a Featured Member (paying business); $150 for enrolling the Featured Member (one-time); and $15 Every Month on the Featured Members of the Friends you refer, and $15 Every Month on the Featured Members of the Friends that your Friends refer (Friends of Friends) who become NOOZcasters in their cities. The $15 is paid on the frequency that a Featured Member gets new content. This Refer a Friend Bonus is designed to incentivize our NOOZcasters to spread the word and help enroll NOOZcasters in other cities…AND…to give our NOOZcasters the ability to earn enough income to go full time if they would like.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Is there a fee to become a NOOZcaster?


Yes. It’s from $149 to $389 depending on the reporting gear you will need, includes NOOZ press credentials, and $49 per month beginning the 2nd month. This covers your Dashboard and your membership in NOOZ Academy. If you want to be a locally recognized influencer in your city, go ahead and apply now.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

What type of gear do I need?


NOOZcasters need press credentials, a mic and NOOZ mic flag, selfie stick, tripod, and a NOOZ clothing magnet for branding…and your smart phone. You can order all the gear from NOOZ, or if you already have some gear, you can order the NOOZ Branding & Press Credentials Package for $149 and order anything else “a la carte”.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

What is NOOZ Academy?


All NOOZcasters will have access to NOOZ Academy where we teach you everything you need to know about being a successful NOOZcaster in your city…from producing techniques and editing to how to have presence on camera and remembering what you want to say…and much more. We train you in Journalism 2.0, NOOZ Style.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

How do I track everything?


NOOZcasters have a Dashboard that tracks all your videos for Featured Members with dates to produce new content for them, what you’ve earned for the month, a visual Refer a Friend chart that shows your entire team, a complete gallery of your videos, and all the NOOZ Academy videos (we just make a few available for the public to see).

FAQs for NOOZcasters

What types of video content do I do?


NOOZ has 2 types…content we get paid for (Featured Member businesses)…and content we don’t get paid for. This is anything happening around town that viewers would want to see, such as events, stuff to do on the weekend, a local farmers’ market, new bike path or park opening, charities, interesting people around town you can profile…we have one channel called “Did You Know?” that is local history, haunted houses, and weird things…there are tons of content ideas…just remember…NOOZ is FUN and 100% Positive.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Am I limited to one city?


No. If you are often in different cities, NOOZ will give you a channel on those City pages. You can also tag your videos to your other City Pages.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

What is the NOOZ platform?


NOOZ is launching City Pages in over 1,000 cities that are on NOOZ.tv. We also are launching over 1,000 local Facebook pages that co-market with our City Pages (where we also boost to Instagram locally). And NOOZ is on the major social media platforms, too, including Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn. All NOOZ videos and Featured Member pages are SEO’d for Google search. The NOOZ marketing reach is efficient and effective.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

How does NOOZ build my personal brand?


Every time you post a video to your NOOZ channel, NOOZ will boost your videos all around town to where people are…on their phones, scrolling through FB or IG, and your video appears in their feed. Imagine doing 2 or 3 videos per week and reaching 6,000-10,000 people in your city, Every Week? NOOZ builds the brand of YOU. You’ll be surprised at how many friends start seeing your videos as well as getting recognized around town.

FAQs for NOOZcasters

Do I get my own channel on NOOZ at NOOZ.tv?


Yes. All NOOZcasters get their own channel on their local NOOZ City Page, which includes a large profile photo of you, About Me video, your gallery of all your videos (archived forever), and a Follow Me button so your friends and fans will get a notification each time you publish a new video (this Follow Me feature will be available on the NOOZ Mobile App, launching around November 1st).

FAQs for NOOZcasters

How do I become a NOOZcaster in my city?


Click on the Sign-Up link to apply to become a NOOZcaster in your city. We’ll need some basic information first, then you’ll get an email that tells you more and you can record a short video about yourself and submit it. NOOZ will let you know via email if you’ve been accepted within a day or two. We will give you more information about the responsibilities of being a NOOZcaster and you will be able to get started.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

What type of videos do you offer?


NOOZ sends a local NOOZcaster to your business who is branded with the NOOZ mic and mic flag. They can produce your video in a few different styles, using a tripod or even a selfie stick. Your videos will be authentic and casual, which is the best way to build trust with viewers. There is no need to over-produce the video because it starts to feel like an ad instead of a local testimonial for your business. NOOZ can even go live on Facebook if you want to promote an event or special offering.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

What is the turnaround time?


Call us…decide on your video option…and NOOZ can have your video on our platform and on social media in as little as 3-7 business days.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

What if I have multiple locations or businesses?


Great…it costs even less. We make it work for you. Just ask your NOOZcaster or reach out to us to discuss.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

How often should I get new videos?


We recommend one video per month, which includes 3 video reviews from your customers (all 100% positive). This keeps your business top-of-mind when a buying decision is being made. And it builds the story of your business so your customers can relate, feel comfortable, and want to visit your business. Our pricing makes it easy. If every month, it’s $395.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

Length of Videos


Typically, 45-seconds to 1:15 minutes

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)



NOOZ sets up your Featured Member page for $400, which includes your featured video plus 3 video reviews from our customers…4 videos total, along with your pin on our local Google Map. We post your featured video on your NOOZcaster’s channel, tag it to the local category channel on your City Page, SEO your page and videos for Google search, and boost your featured video all around town for the 1st month. You decide how often you want your NOOZcaster to come back and produce fresh video content. So, beginning the 2nd Month, if Every other Month it’s $295/Month…Every Month it’s $395/Month…Twice per Month it’s $595. And each time, your videos are posted to your NOOZcaster’s channel, the local NOOZ City Page, the local NOOZ Facebook page, and then boosted on social media all around town.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

Is it turnkey?


Yes. NOOZ provides the talent, scripting, editing, and all production. Plus, getting your video in front of prospective customers. Just tell us when to show up.

FAQs for Featured Members (Businesses)

Video & Video Promotion:


NOOZ provides a professional and authentic video about your business that connects with your potential customers and gets you new business. NOOZ also promotes your video on social media in your community, building your brand and a connection with locals.